Thursday, 19 September 2013

Flowers For Wallpaper

Flowers For Wallpaper

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A man, with a heart as sensitive to beauty as that of a poet, begins to dance with joy at 
the sight of flowers dancing in the breeze. He never forgets the sight. When he is in a sad 
or pensive mood, he recalls the scene to his mind and derives from it heavenly joy and bliss 
that are indescribable.
Flowers satisfy our sense of touch, sense of sight and sense of smell. They are a rare gift 
of Nature. Some flowers are used as a diet. Flowers like the rose are used for medicinal 
purposes. Some flowers are health-giving and are prescribed "as a tonic by physicians.
They have many moral lessons to teach us. They teach us to live for the pleasure of others. 
They teach us that a small life well. Lived is far better than a long life badly-lived. A 
little lily that lives for a day is far better than a huge oak that lives for three hundred 
years and at last falls sere and lifeless. They teach us to scatter mirth and beauty 
wherever we go.
Arrangement of their petals and leaflets in a systematic way teaches us to lead a systematic 
and disciplined life. Their smiles even in thorny surroundings bring home to us the art of 
living. The sweet fragrance which they impart to everybody irrespective of caste and creed 
teaches broad-mindedness and persuades us to break the narrow domestic walls. The resistance 
to strong gales and the hot sun urges us to have courage and not to lose heart even in the 
days of adversity.
When, I'd hear all around me applauses of me, I would jump with pleasure though, no one 
would see me in my moments of happiness this I know because, man does not have the fine 
vision of seeing through flowers for their intense feelings.
I would stand aloof from all other flowers in a garden- and when people would see me and the 
other flowers, I dare say I would be the jealous one for, I would wonder why the onlookers 
were sparing even a glimpse for other flowers when I in all my majesty stand in front of 
Though this would be a very selfish thought and attitude but, after all it is natural. How 
can any one resist the feeling of one up when one is convinced that he/she is one up? Don't 
you agree? When I know that I am the best looking flower in the garden, how should I not be 
jealous of people seeing others in my presence?
However, these days of my glory and pride would be short lived and not last forever. I know 
that, all life has to die.
The leaves and flowers of the Lotus float and have long stems that contain air spaces in 
them. The lotus flowers have many petals overlapping in a proportional pattern. The root 
functions of lotus are carried out by rhizomes that fan out horizontally through the mud 
below the water. Lotuses, cherished for their tranquil beauty, are delightful to take a look 
at as their blossoms open on the pond's surface.
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Tumblr Hd Black and White Widescreen Download for Mobile images designs
Tumblr Hd Black and White Widescreen Download for Mobile images designs
Tumblr Hd Black and White Widescreen Download for Mobile images designs
Tumblr Hd Black and White Widescreen Download for Mobile images designs
Tumblr Hd Black and White Widescreen Download for Mobile images designs
Tumblr Hd Black and White Widescreen Download for Mobile images designs
Tumblr Hd Black and White Widescreen Download for Mobile images designs
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