Thursday, 19 September 2013

Big Flower Wallpaper

Big Flower Wallpaper

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Every nature lover or gardening enthusiast enjoys the diversity of plants and the forms, features and colors of flowers, which are often regrettably ephemeral. Thus, capturing their beauty in photographs is desirable, but requires practice and patience.
Shooting colorful objects up close is always attractive and interesting. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to achieve absolutely clear close-up images. It requires a camera with a good macro lens and the use of a tripod. Depending on the position of the subject, using a tripod is not always possible, and windless weather conditions, a lot of patience and a steady hand are essential to achieve well-focused pictures.
Over 200 years ago, the French biologist, Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck, wrote that the blossom of a European arum lily warmed up during the sequence of blooming (Lamarck, 1803 -1815). Since then, botanists have recorded significant self-heating in the flowers, inflorescences or cones in several families of plants, including Araceae, Arecaceae, Aristolochiaceae, Annonaceae, Cycadaceae, Cyclanthaceae, Hydnoraceae, Illiciaceae, Magnoliaceae, Nelumbonaceae, Nymphaeaceae, Rafflesiaceae, Schisandraceae and Winteraceae. These groups are all primitive seed-plants with rather large, fleshy floral structures that are often associated with beetle, bee or fly pollinators.
Some species, such as the arum lilies, are so intensely thermogenic that the temperature of their flowers can increase up to 35°C above the surroundings. For example, in Brazil, the inflorescence of Philodendron selloum is capable of warming to over 40°C at air temperatures close to freezing (Figure 1) (Nagy et al., 1972). Skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus, in North America and Japan, can maintain temperatures above 15°C when the air temperature drops to -15°C, and it often melts the snow around it (Seymour, 2004, Onda et al., 2008). The respiratory rates of some thermogenic flowers are the highest among plants, and in fact exceed even those of warm-blooded animals. For example, the tissues of Arum maculatum and Helicodiceros muscivorus produce up to about 400 milliWatts per gram (mW g-1) (Lance, 1974, Seymour et al., 2003a), while a flying hummingbird produces only 240 mW g-1. At an air temperature of 10°C, a 125 g inflorescence of P. selloum produces about five times the amount of the heat of a 125 g rat under the same conditions. Such high rates of heat production demand a good supply of oxygen. Some species, such as the arum lilies, are so intensely thermogenic that the temperature of their flowers can increase up to 35°C above the surroundings. For example, in Brazil, the inflorescence of Philodendron selloum is capable of warming to over 40°C at air temperatures close to freezing (Figure 1) (Nagy et al., 1972). Skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus, in North America and Japan, can maintain temperatures above 15°C when the air temperature drops to -15°C, and it often melts the snow around it (Seymour, 2004, Onda et al., 2008). The respiratory rates of some thermogenic flowers are the highest among plants, and in fact exceed even those of warm-blooded animals. For example, the tissues of Arum maculatum and Helicodiceros muscivorus produce up to about 400 milliWatts per gram (mW g-1) (Lance, 1974, Seymour et al., 2003a), while a flying hummingbird produces only 240 mW g-1. At an air temperature of 10°C, a 125 g inflorescence of P. selloum produces about five times the amount of the heat of a 125 g rat under the same conditions. Such high rates of heat production demand a good supply of oxygen.
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Tumblr Hd Black and White Widescreen Download for Mobile images designs
Tumblr Hd Black and White Widescreen Download for Mobile images designs
Tumblr Hd Black and White Widescreen Download for Mobile images designs
Tumblr Hd Black and White Widescreen Download for Mobile images designs
Tumblr Hd Black and White Widescreen Download for Mobile images designs
Tumblr Hd Black and White Widescreen Download for Mobile images designs
Tumblr Hd Black and White Widescreen Download for Mobile images designs
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Tumblr Hd Black and White Widescreen Download for Mobile images designs
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